Last update March 2, 2020
UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA           2017-2019        Edmonton, Canada
Campus Saint-Jean
Bachelor of Education (BEd)
Alberta teaching license 
UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY          2003-2005        Calgary, Canada
Haskayne School of Business 
Master Business Administration (MBA) 
North American School of Advanced Management         2004 Diploma         Mexico-USA-Canada  
SHIGA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE      1999-2003        Otsu, Japan
Department of Chemistry
Ph.D. Biochemistry 
Thesis: Inestinal epithelial cells and Green Tea       
Study on peroxidation of colon cancer cells (Caco-2 cell line) by four epicatechin-copper (II) complexes; Elucidation of mechanism, involving cell permeabilization in the presence of ROS, followed by flavonoid mediated copper transport inside the cell. 
POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST          1994-1995                Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry
Postgraduation Diploma in Drugs and Cosmetics, June 1995
Organic Chemistry Intern (1994-1995)
Performed fine syntheses of organic compounds as a part-time member of The Senior Researchers Team, at the Romanian Academy's Institute of Organic Chemistry "C.D.Nenitescu". As part of the postgraduate studies, rotated through the following departments: Design of Organic Syntheses, Heterocycles, Antidotes, Drugs' Conditioning, Dyes, Biopharmacy, Cosmetics. 
Thesis: "The mechanism of oxidation by t -BuOK-DMSO-t -BuOH system". 
POLITEHNICA UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST,        1989-1994                Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Dept. of Organic Chemistry
Master of Science, June 1994
Major: Organic Chemistry.
Thesis: "A new skeletal rearrangement: dibenzobicyclo /2.2.2/ octadienyl-methyl cation into cyclohexaanthracene derivative" 
GH. LAZAR HIGH SCHOOL,                                  1984-1988               Bucharest, Romania
Baccalaureate, June 1988
Major: Mechanics./ Technology
CONSEIL SCOLAIRE CENTRE-NORD                                                    Edmonton AB, Canada        
Highschool substitute teacher/ Enseignante suppléante au secondaire
 - Math/Science (Chimie, Physique, Biologie)
 - experience en millieu francophone, K-12
COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL                                                                    Edmonton AB, Canada
Analyst & Manager, Information Technology (2005 - 2015)
SHIGA UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE                                        Otsu, Japan
Chemical Engineer (1997-1999). 
1. Development of alumina-supported catalysts involved in industrial oxidation processes: synthesis and study of alumina-supported manganese dioxide for selective oxidation of primary alcohols to corresponding aldehydes (published); 
2. Ultrasonic scanning of human body: pilot-plant production of protein-encapsulated long-chain diazo compounds as ultrasound contrast agents for medical use. 
3. Ultrasonic destruction of dioxin in polluted waters (study in collaboration with KUBOTA Corp., Osaka).
Teaching Assistant (1999 -2003). 
Preparing and conducting organic chemistry laboratory classes for Japanese undergraduate medical students.
Research Assistant (1995-1997).
Research and syntheses of organic compounds as part of the activity developed by the laboratory:
Performed syntheses of small ring epoxides and their addition reactions to ketenes, development at pilot plant level of feasible methods for obtaining industrial solvents; 
Technological flow analysis and optimization for some industrial processes of organic synthesis. 
Initiation in Sonochemistry: study of the unusual reaction of nitrobenzene and benzoyl chloride under thermal and ultrasonic activation - propose of a ET mechanism ("Ultrasonically Promoted Reaction of Benzoyl chloride with Nitrobenzene",in press ). 
Optimized synthesis of 13C labeled bicyclic compounds.
Member of Japanese Chemical Society
Member of the American Chemical Society
IT Conference, Colliers International (Toronto, 2006)
Member of the Alberta Teacher's Association
Fluency in English, French and Romanian. 
Proficiency in Japanese.
Basic Italian and German (Schiller Haus graduation certificate). ;.
Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac. (including MS Access, MS Project etc.)
Fortran and TurboPascal programming (beginner)
Webpage design. Webmaster of over 10 pages ...during the first decade of this millenium!!! (aka before YahooGeocities closed their free hosting service)
Pegasus Paper Ltd. , retail business website
NASSAM Canada  , the Candian website of the North American Summer School of Advanced Management
Mircea Vinatoru , my professor's personal website
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) & Microsoft Certified Desktop Technician (MCDST) (still pending, haha)
skiing, painting; cycling, travelling;
exchange student Lions Club International,  Florida, USA (September, 1994)
representative of the Romanian Team at the EuroAvia Congress, Napoli, ITALY (September 1992)
1."Ultrasonically Promoted Reaction of Benzoyl Chloride with Nitrobenzene"
   Mircea VinatoruRuxandra Stavrescu, A. Beliu Milcoveanu, Maricela Toma and T.J.MasonRev. Chim. Bucharest 52:(4) 177-182 (2000);
2."Alumina-supported manganese dioxide", 
   R. StavrescuTakahide Kimura, Mitsue Fujita, Mircea Vinatoru and Takashi Ando, Synthetic Communications 29(10), 1719 (1999);
3. "Ultrasonic degradation of a dioxin type molecule",
   R. StavrescuT. Kimura, M. Fujita, T. Ando, M. VinatoruBulletin of Shiga University of Medical Science (General Education), vol.11, p. 15-21 (2001)This article was available from the Chemistry Preprint Server
4. "The ultrasonically induced reaction of benzoyl chloride with nitrobenzene: an unexpected sonochemical effect and a possible mechanism"  
   M. VinatoruR. Stavrescu, A. B. Milcoveanu, M. Toma and T. J. Mason Ultrasonics Sonochemistry   9(5): 245-249, October (2002)
5. "Epicatechin-copper (II) complexes: damage of small intestinal epithelium"
   R. Stavrescu, T. Kimura, F. Hayakawa, T. AndoCentral European Journal of Chemistry vol.1, p. 39-56 (2003)
6. "Epicatechins induce cell death in Caco-2 colon cancercells by raising the intracellular level of copper(II)", 
   R. Stavrescu, M. Vinatoru, T.Kimura (submitted to press)
7. "Prooxidant activities of tea catechins in the presence of copper", 
   T. Kimura, F. Hayakawa, N. Hoshino, R. Stavrescu, A. Yamaji and T.Ando  ( was submitted to J. Agric. Food Chem. in April 2003, when I left Japan, then they dropped me but kept T. Ando in the list of authors, even if he retired from Shiga University of Medical Science in 2002 (!!)...)
1."Alumina-supported manganese dioxide", Japanese Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Kyoto, May 1998. ; 
2. "Alumina-supported manganese dioxide", Shonan Lectures, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama, Kanagawa, Feb. 9-12, 2001
3. "Study on Peroxidation and Mutagenesis of model cells (Caco-2 cells) of digestive tract by catechin -Cu2+ complex", Shiga University of Medical Science, July 2-11, 2001.
Ruxandra`s picture
Date of birth: a Gemini in the year of Apollo 13 mission
Place of birth: Bucharest, Romania
Dual citizenship: Canadian & Romanian (EU)
Civil status: married (to a verrrry cute guy!)
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Visez o scoala in care sa nu se predea, la drept vorbind, nimic. Sa traiesti linistit si cuviincios, intr-o margine de cetate, iar oamenii tineri, citiva oameni tineri ai lumii, sa vina acolo spre a se elibera de tirania profesoratului. Caci totul si toti le dau lectii. Totul trebuie invatat din afara si pe dinafara. Iar singurul lucru care le e ingaduit din cind in cind e sa puna intrebari. Dar nu vedeti ca au si ei de spus ceva, de marturisit ceva? Si nu vedeti ca noi nu avem intotdeauna ce sa le spunem? Sintem doar mijlocitori intre ei si ei insisi. (Dar nici asta nu trebuie sa le fie spus.)
Discipolul vine la tine sa-ti ceara. Tu trebuie sa-l inveti ca n-are nimic de primit, ca trebuie sa creasca. Discipolul vrea sa devina iedera. Trebuie sa-l lasi sa fie ce trebuie sa fie: chiar buruiana. Si cel mai frumos sfirsit al tau - fertilitate! - e sa te napadeasca buruienile.
Gandul Scolii, al celei unde sa nu se predea nimic, ma obsedeaza. Stari de spirit, asta trebuie dat altora; nu continuturi, nu sfaturi, nu invataturi. De aceea nici nu trebuie lectii. Chiar unui om care te intreaba, nu ai nevoie sa-i dai "lectii". O carte pe care o scoti din biblioteca, un Preludiu de Bach pe care-l pui seara, in liniste, sau un exemplu de seninatate intelectuala, sunt mult mai educative decit o lectie. Oamenii aceia tineri vad ca vrei sa incorporezi o idee si incep sa incorporeze si ei una. (Poate "gindul unic", de care vorbea Parvan.) 
    Cred ca scoala asta trebuie facuta.
I'm dreaming of a school where, practically, nothing is to be taught. To live calmly and decently, at a citadel's boundary, and young people, a few young people, to come there to absolve themselves of the professorate's tyranny. Because everything and everybody gives them lessons. Everything must be learned by heart. And the only thing they are allowed from time to time is to ask questions. But don't you see they, too, have something to be said, to be acknowledged? We only are the middlemen between them and their own selves. (But even this, they mustn't be told.)
The disciple comes to ask you. You must teach him that he has got nothing to receive from you, that he must grow. The disciple wants to become ivy. You must let him become what he must become: even weed. And the most beautiful ending for you -fecundity!- is to be engulfed/ besieged by weeds.
 The thought of that School, where nothing is to be taught, obsesses me. States of mind/spirit, this must be given; not contents, not advice, not doctrines. That's why one doesn't even need lessons. Even to someone who asks you, you needn't give "lessons". A book you take from the shelf, a Bach Prelude you set in the evening, in tranquility, or an example of intellectual serenity/poise, are much more educational than a lesson. Those young people see that you want to incorporate/ integrate an idea and they start themselves to incorporate one. (Maybe Pirvan's "unique thought".)
I think this school must be built. 
"There are two kinds of people who never amount to much: those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else." 
Cyrus H. Curtis
Since February 21st 2001 !!!
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Ruxandra Stavrescu, Chem Eng, PhD, MBA, BEd
K-12 Teacher / Enseignante
Highschool Math /Science
bilingual English/French
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